Calculation parameters

Date of birth:
Calculation date:



  • A person's physical biorhythm is the shortest and is responsible for coordination, strength, stamina, confidence, energy, courage and aggression. (23 days)
  • The emotional biorhythm determines creativity, moods, optimism, happiness, mental well-being and depression or emotional sensitivity. (28 days)
  • Intellectual influences memory, perception, logical thinking and judgment, and the ability to make decisions. (33 days)
  • Intuitive biorhythm influencing our intuition (38 days)
  • Aesthetic biorhythm influences our aesthetic side, color perception (43 days)
  • Spiritualbiorhythm (53 days)


Theory and history

The foundations of biorhythm theory date back to the 19th century, specifically the years 1897 and 1902.
The credit for it is attributed to Wilhelm Fliess, a Berlin physician and numerologist who was a friend of Sigmund Freud and had a great interest in this theory. Fliess was convinced that the world is governed by the magical numbers 23 and 28 (male and female cycles).

In 1920, Alfred Teltscher, a professor at the University of Innsbruck, expanded this theory by introducing another cycle - a 33-day cycle - based on observations of his students' performance.

George Thommen, and later Matthew Edlund, contributed to the popularization of biorhythm theory through their publications in the 1970s.

Later, towards the end of the 20th century, intuitive, aesthetic, and spiritual aspects were added to it. However, these elements appear sporadically in various publications or calculators.

According to the theory, each biorhythm has two phases: positive and negative. The days when biorhythms transition from one phase to another (moving around 0) are called critical days. These days are particularly important because we are most susceptible to accidents, instability, and mistakes. It is during these times that we should listen to our body and soul the most and adjust our actions accordingly.

Occasionally, two or more curves reach a common minimum, maximum, or zero. The days on which this occurs should be influenced more strongly.
And the so-called super critical days are when two or more curves cross the zero point.